Handlebar Bag
The see-through front pocket gives you a front-eye-view of the navigation system along the ride. The Velcro and shoulder strap designs make it easy to remove and attach to the bike, while also smooth to convert into a carry-on bag when you arrive at any destination.
Capacity of 3L.
See-through frontal pocket for map utility.
Internal & external pockets to increase storage
capacity and organization of small items.
Universal Fit.
The see-through front pocket gives you a front-eye-view of the navigation system along the ride. The Velcro and shoulder strap designs make it easy to remove and attach to the bike, while also smooth to convert into a carry-on bag when you arrive at any destination.
Capacity of 3L.
See-through frontal pocket for map utility.
Internal & external pockets to increase storage
capacity and organization of small items.
Universal Fit.
The see-through front pocket gives you a front-eye-view of the navigation system along the ride. The Velcro and shoulder strap designs make it easy to remove and attach to the bike, while also smooth to convert into a carry-on bag when you arrive at any destination.
Capacity of 3L.
See-through frontal pocket for map utility.
Internal & external pockets to increase storage
capacity and organization of small items.
Universal Fit.